Auto City Speedway
New Enduro Class for 2018
New in 2018 –Enduro Class-
(looking for name) contest!!! Due Jan 30th for a 2018 season GS pass
The minivan has long been seen as the realm of the soccer mom who is constantly shuttling her kids from one activity to another before and after school. It’s usually viewed as nothing more than a vehicle that serves a particular function, lacking any of the coolness of the vans from the ’60s and ’70s.
However according to the rules, “any American Brand/ model four-(4) or six-(6) cylinder minivan is eligible. Both front (and) rear wheel drive vans are eligible. NO four-wheel or all-wheel drive vans are permitted. No SUV’s”. Aside from the prerequisite safety equipment, no other modifications are needed.
There are a few areas of the rulebook will allow upgrades or aftermarket components for safety purposes only, but for the most part these are vans that could have come straight off the showroom floor. Rules will be out soon, start looking for your next class now…
Vans will have a theme or have a nick name, No Obscene or graphic language or art work may be painted on the Vans